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Profilo di Stefano Di Crocco

Foto di Stefano Di Crocco

Stefano Di Crocco Gaeta ( provincia di Latina )

Due parole su di me :

I have already work experience for such role. I joined a bulk carrier vessel as a deck cadet for a period of 8 months. That giving me varied skills and the ability to work with many different types of people. I believe I could fit easily into your company.I am a conscientious person who works hard and pays attention to detail. I'm flexible, quick to pick up new skills and eager to learn from others. I also have lot of enthusiasm for new works experiences. I'm keen to work for a company with a great reputation as the ones under your manning.I have excellent references and would be delighted to discuss any possible vacancy with you at your convenience. In case you do not have any suitable openings at the moment, I would be grateful if you would keep my CV on file for any future possibilities or for any available position matching my competences.


Cittadinanza in Italia, libero, non fumatore

Titolo di studio

: diploma di maturità

Lingue conosciute:

Italiano, Inglese, Spagnolo,


: Marinaia/o, Regatante

Per le regate

: Generico

Titoli professionali

: Iscritto a "Gente di mare",


Deck Cadet | All. Ufficiale di Coperta
Giuseppe Bottiglierii shipping Company s.p.a, Napoli (Italia) 9 Dic. 16–29 Lug. 17 | Provided assistance to Chief Officer on management of the Rating navigational, keeping navigational watch using satellite and radar systems. Management and using of communication systems under supervision of senior deck Officer. Achieved knowledge of ship's safety and firefighting systems and equipment maintenance, including international/national rules and requirements concerning safety on board of a vessel. Achieved right behavior and knowledge to keep during the watch while the vessel is involved in cargo operations or navigation.

Corsi professionali - brevetti

13 Set. 08–27 Giu. 13 Graduate in expert maritime transport

Amerigo Vespucci, Marigliano (Italia)

10 Ott. 14–15 Ott. 14 Training Course (Basic & Advanced)

S.T.A.R. Center Italia s.r.l, Castelvolturno (Italia)

8 Ott. 14–10 Ott. 14 In Personal Survival Techniques

S.T.A.R. Center Italia s.r.l, Castelvolturno (Italia)

6 Ott. 14–7 Ott. 14 Safety and Social Responsibility Training Course

S.T.A.R. Center Italia s.r.l, Castelvolturno (Italia)

5 Ott. 14 First Aid

S.T.A.R. Center Italia s.r.l, Castelvolturno (Italia)

16 Ott. 14 Maritime Security (IMS)

S.T.A.R Center Italia s.r.l, Castelvolturno (Italia)




: Non disponibile al momento
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